“I’m Really Not Targeting The Magicians” is a manga that follows the story of Luo Jie, who accidentally traveled to a wasteland game world and spent ten years in Beginner Village due to his cautious nature. After killing over 100,000 magic frogs, Luo Jie’s spell resistance finally reached 100%.
As Luo Jie stepped out of the Beginner Village, he wanted to clarify that he wasn’t targeting mages, but rather everyone in the game world. The manga beautifully portrays Luo Jie’s journey, with stunning illustrations that capture the essence of the story.
As Luo Jie ventures out into the game world, he encounters various challenges and adversaries. The manga depicts these challenges in intricate detail, with each chapter leaving readers wanting more. Luo Jie’s journey is one of perseverance and determination, as he strives to become stronger and overcome the obstacles in his path.
The manga’s pacing is just right, with the story unfolding at a pace that keeps readers engaged. Through Luo Jie’s journey, readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from the exhilaration of victory to the heart-wrenching moments of defeat.
In conclusion, “I’m Really Not Targeting The Magicians” is a captivating manga that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. With its unique storyline, well-developed characters, and beautiful illustrations, it’s no wonder that this manga has gained a loyal following.